Monday, October 22, 2012

October 22, 2012

Recommitment Day, Saturday, October 20!  

What was Recommitment Day?  Well, it’s kind of a big deal!  It’s the day where Team In Training members sign on the dotted line their promise to continue with training and fundraising, and to participate in their chosen event – in my case, the Carlsbad Half Marathon in January.  

The question of whether to continue was never even an issue - of course I’m still on for the half!  Team In Training is a dynamic, passionate, ultra-supportive group of wonderful people united in a single cause:  to kick ass on blood cancers.  

The running part, however, was kicking ass on my knees.

That's not funny.  OK, yeh, it is.
You may recall me saying (once or twice) that I’m not a runner.  Never have been.  Tried to be in high school and had the same issues:  crap-ass knees.  I was doing great with the interval training in terms of stamina, but in terms of my knees?  Not so much…..
Toward the end of the Team session on October 13, my knees loudly professed “ENOUGH ALREADY!”  Since then, I’ve been icing and stretching and acupuncturing and sporting a lovely and fashionable knee brace and only logged a total of 4 stinkin’ miles last week.  PATHETIC!
But, the down time gave me a chance to re-evaluate how I’ll accomplish the half-marathon.  And it ain’t gonna be by running.  Just as with this cancer thing, I gotta come away from it whole and intact!  So, not only did I "re-up" with Team In Training, but I recommitted to my original plan of power-walking the half-marathon, and that’s how I’ll structure my training from this point forward. 
Tonight’s workout was a fast-paced 4 miles along the bay, with the dual reward of only minor knee pain and a whole lotta sunset.  
A great ending to a great workout!