Saturday, August 18, 2012

August 18, 2012

I have been doing really well in the beginning stages of training for January’s half marathon:  in the past two weeks alone, I logged over 28 miles of power-walking after work.  I look forward to quitting time when I can put away the hot uniform (and I don't mean "hot" in a good way.....), don shorts and t-shirt, lace up my shoes, do some stretching, plug myself into my iPod, and pump legs and arms with my three favorite walking partners:  Lady Gaga, Michael Jackson, and Pink.  I get to stride by some of the most beautiful sights in San Diego:  Harbor Island, Spanish Landing, Chula Vista Marina on the bay, Liberty Station and the channel. 

Walking across the the bridge over the channel at Liberty Station.

After being in an office all day, the freshness of the blowing breeze and feeling the sun on my face is utterly delicious.  I was slowly increasing my distance and starting to build my stamina and – dare I say it – even beginning to incorporate a teeny little bit of running into the mix. 

Apparently, however, it was time for me to stop for a while…..

The latest in fashionable anklewear.....

Nothing serious, pretty sure it’s just inflammation, but near the end of Thursday’s walk, it began to hurt like a motherfucker.  Ugh.

I shouldn't complain.  It could be worse.....

Today’s status:  very minor swelling, and it feels OK as long as I stay off it.  I’m doing the RICE treatment:  rest, ice, compression, elevation.  Hoping to get back in stride on Monday!  

As far as this cancer thing is concerned, I’m still feeling uber-healthy and whole and very un-sick! 

My three-month check-in is this Monday, August 20.  It will be the first appointment with Dr. Hampshire, the new oncologist I recently switched to, and I’m curious to see where I’m at compared to three months ago.  In those few months, my diet has changed, I’ve incorporated acupuncture and other naturopathic approaches, and I’m exercising far more.  Will it make a difference?  Will bloodwork or scans be better or worse or the same? 

All I know for sure is that I’m not fretting or stressing over it.  Whatever the outcome – from this check-up or from any that follow – I’ll take it as it comes and move forward from there.  

That’s all one can do with anything in their life, right?