Friday, August 24, 2012

August 24, 2012

You know when you meet someone for the first time, you instantly pick up on their vibe?  Either you’re immediately at ease with them, or not.  Either you feel like you’re both on the same page with your conversation, or not.  

I had my 3-month check-up and first appointment with Dr. Hampshire on Monday, accompanied by Amanda.  Back on August 4, I wrote about my rationale for switching oncologists, and honestly, I was a little worried about Monday’s initial meeting with Dr. Hampshire.  Even though I’d heard good things about him, I’d never met him.  The possibility existed that he could still be a dick, you know?
It's always important that your file folder match your clothing.....

.....and that you bring a sense of humor.

The minute he walked into the exam room, however, any lingering doubts evaporated.  Dr. Hampshire is kind, sharp, very funny, and well-prepared.  I knew I felt comfortable with him when he acknowledged that, even though it’s slow growing and not affecting me much right now, Stage IV Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma IS a big deal!  This is EXACTLY what I blogged about on August 4!  You want your oncologist – of all people! - to take this seriously, so you feel that they will do everything they can for you.  Kinda like my own personal Cancer Samurai, you know?

Dr. Hampshire took his time, had a meaningful dialogue with us, answered all of my questions, and laid out the eventual options.  He was very supportive about my decision to incorporate a naturopathic approach, and was excited to print out a report for me about the treatment/wellness spectrum and the complementary and harmonizing roles of both conventional therapies AND natural strategies.  He devoted a lot of time to explaining what we’ll be watching for as indicators that this cancer thing is beginning to morph – blood counts changing, more lymph nodes enlarging, organ involvement - which will then determine the timing and type of treatment.  I went away from the appointment confident that I made the right decision to switch, and knowing for certain that he will do his best to keep me healthy.

Dr. Hampshire, the newest weapon in my arsenal.
The next stop on this adventure in Cancerland:  CT scan and bloodwork, scheduled for August 30.  That’ll yield some important information, namely if the combination of acupuncture, nutrition, and supplements have knocked the little cancer buggers back some.  Since I’m still new to this cancer game, I’m not sure if that’s even feasible, but anything’s possible, right?  It certainly can’t hurt, AND it’s making me feel a helluva lot healthier than I did before.  

After the appointment with Dr. Hampshire, it was off to La Pinata in Old Town, for a plateful of Guacamole Enchiladas on the outdoor patio under colorful umbrellas – muy bueno!

Power food - hell yeh!!!


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