Thursday, August 8, 2013

August 8, 2013 - Day Six, Post-Infusion

Off to the lab today after work for a blood draw; will have to do this on the days prior to infusions.  No biggie - painless, in-and-out in a flash!

I'm getting oddly used to this.....

I also picked up a cute good-sized reusable bag at the fabric store today, to schlep my stuff to the infusion center:

Last week, being my first day, I hauled many pounds of stuff with me.  They said to be prepared to be there all day, so I was!  In addition to my pillow and yellow blankie, I had packed my bag (actually a small suitcase, and no I'm not kidding.....) with a plethora of reading material, two big bottles of Smart Water, two Greek yogurts, cheese, pretzels, granola bars, phone charger, earphones, and socks.  And exactly how much did I actually use?  Let's see:  I did put on the socks, had a few sips of one bottle of water, and downed a few pretzels.  The books and magazines stayed put - Benadryl Brain makes it difficult to read!  Everything else remained untouched until I unpacked it at home.  Moral of the story:  I haul WAY too much crap with me!  I'll definitely scale back for tomorrow's infusion, but still gotta have some good reads with me:

Infusion #2 coming up!

August 7, 2013 - Day Five, Post Infusion

Still no major side effects to speak of.  Did another power walk after work and it was goooooood.

It definitely helps to be in the right frame of mind.  I can't even imagine going through something like this being fearful, timid, distressed.  That's just not in my DNA.  So I'll just continue on the path I'm on, because it works for me!